1. Business analysis

A thorough evaluation of your business. We assist you to determine how the business is performing financially and how human resources are concentrated. In cooperation with the long-term objectives of your business, we provide consultancy for achieving these objectives.


  1. Evaluation of new investments; Feasibility study.

We enable you to determine the profitability of new investments in your sector. The return on this investment and opportunities for expansion in the agrobusiness industry.


  1. Company restructuring

Providing best practices for restructuring human resources in your company and defining tasks in line with company objectives.


  1. Grant Applications (AZHBR / IPARD)

Preparation of the Business Plan and providing consultancy for fulfillment of the conditions when applying for grant calls (National Scheme, IPARD, BERZH) as well as following all the necessary application procedure.


  1. Legal Services.

Legal assistance in obtaining funds from donors or commercial banks. Drafting contracts and legal advice to support your company in relations with suppliers or customers.