Mrs. Saliaj is the founder of A.R.S Legal & Financial Services, and at the same time the CEO. She is a qualified Attorney at Law, and with different experiences, not only in the field of advocacy, but also in the civil society, with focus the defense of human rights and national and international NGO, like JuST – USAID Project, The Union of Albanian Judges, Tirana Legal Aid Society, etc. Mrs. Saliaj is legal representative of different international companies like CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter, etc.
She has been part of the group “Article Five” Group, created with initiative of American and Austrian Embassy, with the purpose to change some legal aspects in the Family Code and the Law for Adoption. Also, she has been a volunteer in support of children in orphanage, in the city of Durres, in Albania. With the purpose to raise the personal and professional qualifications Mrs. Saliaj has followed different training like: Human Rights, Fiscal Legislation, Business Managing and Consulting, Public Speaking, etc. She speaks excellent English and Italian.